The knowledge base for Chinese medicine is incredibly vast.

There are thousands of medical texts which were written in the time span of the Han to the Qing Dynasties.

These books make up the core knowledge of pre-modern Chinese medicine.

Sadly, many of these books have not been translated into English, and there are thousands which never will be.

This is no small feat, as each small to medium text takes a translator at least a year to translate, and larger texts take even longer.

This is a labor of love, born from the desire to read the material that our teachers have read, and to drink from the source.

Our mission is to translate these texts in a literal way.

Most scholars will agree that a literal translation is the starting point for texts where the source material is in a different language.

Once a literal translation has been created, and is on the market, then it is up to our community to tease out the layered meanings within the text.

There are several ways that you the reader can help us reach our lofty goals, which we believe will greatly increase the resources for those interested in Chinese medicine.

First: A subscription to our Chinese Medicine Database helps pay our translators to translate texts which have never been translated before.

The Data within these texts is then searchable in Chinese or in English.

Second: We have published eighteen books to date, and they are:

Bèi Jí Qiān Jīn Yào Fāng 《備急千金要方》 Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold For Every Emergency by Sūn Sīmiǎo 孫思邈 (Volume II - IV) Translated by Sabine Wilms Out of Print

Jīn Guì Fāng Gē Kuò 《金匱方歌括》 Formulas from the Golden Cabinet with Songs by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 (Volume I - III) Translated by Sabine Wilms

Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng 《針灸大成》 Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxibustion by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊繼洲 (Volume I) Translated by Sabine Wilms

Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng 《針灸大成》 Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxibustion by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊繼洲 (Volume V) Translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng 《針灸大成》 Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxibustion by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊繼洲 (Volume VIII) Translated by Yue Lu

The Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng 《針灸大成》 Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxibustion by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊繼洲 (Volume IX) Translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Raising the Dead and Returning Life: Emergency Medicine of the Qing Dynasty Translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Zhēn Jiǔ Zī Shēng Jīng 《針灸資生經》 Classic of Supporting Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Wáng Zhízhōng 王執中 (Vol. I-III) Translated by Yue Lu

Jīn Guì Fāng Gē Kuò 《金匱方歌括》 Formulas from the Golden Cabinet with Songs by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 (Volume IV - VI) Translated by Eran Even

Zhēn Jiǔ Zī Shēng Jīng 《針灸資生經》 Classic of Supporting Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Wáng Zhízhōng 王執中 (Vol. IV-VII) Translated by Yue Lu

Nǚ Yī Zá Yán 《女醫雜言》 Miscellaneous Records of a Female Doctor by Tán Yǔnxián 談允賢 Translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Nǚ Kē Cuò Yào 《女科撮要》 Outline of Female Medicine by Xuē Jǐ 薛己 Translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng Dú 《神農本草經讀》 Reading of the Divine Farmer’s Classic of Materia Medica by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 Translated by Corinna Theisinger

Zhèng Tǐ Lèi Yào 《正體類要》 Categorized Essentials of Repairing the Body by Xuē Jǐ 薛己 Translated by Lorraine Wilcox

Zhù Jiě Shāng Hán Lùn 《注解傷寒論》 Commentary On The Discussion of Cold Damage With Annotations by Chéng Wújǐ 成無己 Translated by Jonathan Schell L.Ac.

Fukushō-Kiran 《腹證奇覽》 Extraordinary Views of Abdominal Patterns by Inaba Bunrei 稻葉克 Translated by Jay Kageyama

Gú Dù Zhèng Wù 《骨度正誤》 Correcting Errors in Standard Bone Measurement by Sōsen Murakami 村上宗占 Translated by Yue Lu

These books can be found at our own store, as well as Amazon, the Journal of Chinese Medicine, and China Books

The purchase of these books helps us continue to translate and offer our community regular releases of never before translated books.

Lastly, tell your friends and peers about us. Only by doing this as a community will we really be able to make a critical mass, where we are able to accomplish a massive amount in our lifetimes!

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formula slide show


We have published eighteen books to date, with more forthcoming.

Clinical Guideline to Medical Cases

Correcting Errors in Standard Bone Measurement

Fukushō-Kiran (Extraordinary Views of Abdominal Patterns)

Commentary On The Discussion of Cold Damage With Annotations

Categorized Essentials of Repairing the Body

Reading of the Divine Farmer's Classic of Materia Medica

Outline of Female Medicine

Miscellaneous Records of a Female Doctor

Raising the Dead and Returning Life

The Classic of Supporting Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion Vol. IV-VI

The Classic of Supporting Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion Vol. I-III

Formulas from the Golden Cabinet with Songs Vol. IV-VI

Formulas from the Golden Cabinet with Songs Volume I

The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Volume IX.

The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Volume VIII.

The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Volume V.

The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Volume I.

Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang: Essential Prescriptions worth a Thousand in Gold for Every Emergency Vol. 2-4. Out of Print

Register today.

Database Created: June, 2006 |  | Last Updated: March 31st, 2025


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In Memory of Hok Pang Tang L.Ac.
Born: June 1st, 1941
Deceased: January 21, 2006

© 2006 - 2025 The Chinese Medicine Database